Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two boyfriends are better than one...?0.o

So yesterday night i went fer da yoga class with mum.She was kinda pissed off with me..haha,we had some squabbles...blah blah..but then, we made up later then after da yoga class..walked there around 8pm.Dizzy dizzy~I wore a tee with da word 'two boyfs are better than one' on it. Actually it wasn't mum nor me who had chosen that was my cousin who bought fer me. I love that tee for its color and since yesterday was kinda warm...ohhhuh, so i wore da navy colour one for class..aih,mum reached there earlier and i spotted talking with mrs Andy, pretended like nothing happened...cheh cheh...and I spread my mat on da floor and stood there,eavesdropping what were they saying x]. Well they were talking about err...something bout Eva's kindergarten i think,duh..and they proceeded to mrs Andy's daughters progression in skul~LOL...And there was this auntie, she tapped me on my back and said :

"Yea, I really support spear wan horr...if you have two.."

I didn't fathom what she had said and just looked at her blankly,lol....she then pointed to my tee..aaawww, and repeated again. Oh then i understood...gleez..i just smiled at her sheepishly~ what could I do other than that..?haha

but sometimes...haha...whatever..=)
She wont be stopping me from wearing that tee...kkz~x]

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

simply boring...

what I feel like doing now.---->

  • stay away from reference book
  • finish my novel...owwwhh..i cant wait to..
  • peek da upcoming examinations paper in da computer lab..x]
  • shopping...
  • text message him and he replies...(as if he i dont feel like doing)
  • apply new manicures..haha
  • hang out with fwens..i seriously miss them alot during this holidays..
  • laze around..gleez~
  • play piano...
  • blabber on anything..
  • call someone and talk..=)
  • listen to songs..non stop.
  • write something...
  • whisper something to chin wei..=)
  • meet sheldon, ai ling...and da gang..=)
  • have a dinner or tea or whatsoever with my cousins--->melissa,wendy,jia tze, nicole,marcus,cornelius,hiu lam, daniel,jeffrey, xinyee,xin xuan,wei qi,wei han...eylene,christ...and of course vincent and jason.
  • clean up my room...=)
  • and...diaoz...x]

tags again..haha

Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
= i think it is my cheek...==

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
= i feel like hugging da pillows and hide back into my blanket.

3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
= Eva..=)

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
= perhaps...20%

5. Will you ever donate blood?
= yes,no,yes,no....blood phobia..LOL

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
= yes, of course yes...

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
= glad to..only him.ha-haa

8. What does your last text message say?
= sis, I gtg, fer dinner..bubye,take care.

9. What are you thinking right now?
= wait till skul reopens and bash him up..

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
= sure thing..i need someone beside me

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
= 2 a.m

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
= en...miss them both.

14. Who was the last person who text you?
= Little sis Nad.=)

Ten lucky person to do this quiz:
1. elin
2. Noel
3. amy
4. chin wei
5. Farhan
6. melissa
7. Joe den
8. marcus
9. Joe vynne
10. firas

15. Who is no.2 having relationship with?
= kkz..meixin

16. Is no.3 a male or a female?
= erm..use yr common sense..=)

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
= wow,that would be ..challenging and fun x]

18. What is no.1 studying about?
= the theory of guys..maybe..not sure,but I know she is doing some theories about that and i love it..=)

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
= 2 hours ago.

20. Is no.4 single?
= yea, she is single and available..i can help you..(psstt..she is a hot chick..=))

21. Say something about no.2
= hmm..he is kinda frustated about him exam results now and he is..annoying sometimes,haha,funny..and a nice guy.loves food...

22. What do you think about no.2 and no.6 being together?
=hey,they are siblings la weyhh..

23. Describe no.9
= a total cool senior.

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
= sit aside with a box of popcorn and ...WATCH

25. Do you like no.8?
= yes,of course...cuz he is really funny..=)..ayte?hehe

peeps,come on,do this..=)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tagged by elin..x]

Do you hide when Jehovah witnesses knock on your door?
=ermm..nope.Perhaps i will give them a treat at my house kot~LOL

Tell me about your dancing style?
=u will faint when you see me dance...xD

Honestly, do you laugh when people trip for no reason?
=yea...i cant close my mouth.

What is your most used cuss word?
= damn....and chicken(nicole taught me)?

Do you think it looks silly when people wear socks with sandals?
=not really,it depends on who who wears it..if it is a blabbering- saliva-splitting old granny....haaahaaa

Name the seven dwarf
=happy,bashful,grumpy, dopey..i donno...gahaa..

When you bend over, can you touch your toes?

What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to overcome?
=well...boys..?and ....inferiority complex...haha

Do you think that people mistake your kindness for a weakness?
=yea...always..LOL..thats y i got bullied frequently..

Do u know anyone who is a pathological liar?
= eww....a bunch.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get bitch slapped?
= as elin said..=)

Why do people drive slow in the fast lane?
= cuz they are being paranoid...

What is the best pick up line you've ever heard?
= i don't really rmb..

Would you rather be a porn star or a prostitute?
=it wont cross over my mind

If your body odor was a food scent, what would you want to smell like?
= vanilla ice-cream..?teehee..

readers...i tag euu..=)

lingered by sien-ness...

so came in to da second week of the holidays..
after spending about 1 week pondering about him, whether i should make da move..
i think i have made out my choice...
i hope I am right...

gawddd...I switched to a well...temporary scholar fer a
for da upcoming exams....
it sounds so suckish when u gotta study the whole day for exams..
banned from computer and cellphones...
and i still cant get use to his absence...LOL
haish...come on vivien..jiayu jiayu..hahas...

and i suddenl;y realized that sometimes sleeping is a type of luxury... brain has gone first..=)


Tuition class in the morning, BM and English.
We had our class in Kamar syura=)
So teacher had given us paper work to do..eheh..
nothing much here..
just debate discussion...
and nicole and me was talking crap right up there
firas and sis wendy wasn't there, kinda miss them during da debate discussion..
Got back from skul in da afternoon.
and this lazy monkey slept fer da whole afternoon..teehee..
later then, i got up for da sake of my undone folio...

As usual, tuition class in da morning.
I sat with amy, chinwei. jiayu.debra, lifen..and her gang..
did lotsa stupid stuff together..
haha...psstt psstt...i know they know..
at first,we were serious with our work...
silence reigned the whole kamar syura that time.
everyone was drowsy....
then da always loud chin wei and jiayu broke da silence lahh...
and we started our so called drama... was damn hillarious
Amy went back with me...
dad brught us to bukit mertajam..
to fetch granny
had casual talk wit dad...

Last day to pass up my sejarah folio..
yea,rushed to da book shop for binding of folios..
wow,long queue,eergh..gotta wait fer like so long..
at last managed to pass it up.
my day was boring indeed..


Went for tennis with my family...
had lotsa fun...
but still I lost da bet...isyk isyk..
shopping with mum...
bargained alot of clothes back..tehee

Piano class...
teacher said there will be a recital on da next coming saturday
I was like...omg omg..
11 pages of pieces to go..
this time -----> kantoi

shopping again..!!!=)

so this is da first week...
there are lil lil things that happened..
but I am to sien to say those out..

aiks aiks aiks...

weewweeew...had been really busy this holidays.
Thus, i gotta wait till I have done everything before I am able to squeeze out some time to post something..aih aih.

okie then...I will post from da first day of da holidays..hurmm..


Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
= i think it is my cheek...==

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
= i feel like hugging da pillows and hide back into my blanket.

3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
= Eva..=)

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
= perhaps...20%

5. Will you ever donate blood?
= yes,no,yes,no....blood phobia..LOL

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
= yes, of course yes...

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
= glad to..only him.ha-haa

8. What does your last text message say?
= sis, I gtg, fer dinner..bubye,take care.

9. What are you thinking right now?
= wait till skul reopens and bash him up..

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
= sure thing..i need someone beside me

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
= 2 a.m

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
= en...miss them both.

14. Who was the last person who text you?
= Little sis Nad.=)

Ten lucky person to do this quiz:
1. elin
2. Noel
3. amy
4. chin wei
5. Farhan
6. melissa
7. Joe den
8. marcus
9. Joe vynne
10. firas

15. Who is no.2 having relationship with?
= kkz..meixin

16. Is no.3 a male or a female?
= erm..use yr common sense..=)

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
= wow,that would be ..challenging and fun x]

18. What is no.1 studying about?
= the theory of guys..maybe..not sure,but I know she is doing some theories about that and i love it..=)

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
= 2 hours ago.

20. Is no.4 single?
= yea, she is single and available..i can help you..(psstt..she is a hot chick..=))

21. Say something about no.2
= hmm..he is kinda frustated about him exam results and he,annoying sometimes,haha,funny..and a nice guy.

22. What do you think about no.2 and no.6 being together?
=hey,they are siblings la weyhh..

23. Describe no.9
= a total cool senior.

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
= sit aside with a box of popcorn and ...WATCH

25. Do you like no.8?
= yes,of course...cuz he is really funny..=)..ayte?hehe

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Family day..=)

It has been sooo long since i last went out with papa and mama..
we went to Queensbay
of course wallace and eva came along.

Did lotsa shopping..weewee
papa got me n ALI bag..muah muah..lup it..>.<
thanks papa...

gonna be busy these few days,...
gotta study..wuuwuu
updatinf later..

Monday, June 1, 2009

stupiak folio...grrwwzz..

god help me with that...


Got Tagged...=]

Wei Wen
Taking pictoss..
aunt bee-bee
aunt Joanne

sony VAIO
loads of my fav clothings=)
a good book
ice lemon tea
kiwi juice
apple cider
playing piano
peeps who love me
fwens and family..
mr boy
da diary
da pic
da kiss x]
dat idiot.
annoying ppl

Sunday, May 31, 2009

From bad to worse.

Past weekend was really busy with work..especially with my stage design,and folios to pass up, not mentioning those revisions for the upcoming super hard exams and piano pieces. aiks, and my house was like the place for me to sleep and eat only, cuz i stayed whole day in skul for da weekend.
Thursday : stayed fer da last touches of my stage design(haiz..)
Friday : Music interaction rehearsal...fufu~
Saturday : Da actual day fer da music interaction by Chinese society

Busy busy...
I SERIOUSLY need a rest.wuuwuu..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Adiba, I have given my first kiss to your cheek....gahaa...x]


Today I was quiet.Stopped from crapping and talking too much cuz i was in a mood swing. But then I have hidden it.Still wore a smile to skul somehow lol.

Reached skul early..teehee.

Then started class.Science.One of my favourite subjects.=)Did some discussions for chapter 6 and so on. Had a small test there. Haha, i just hantam-ed cuz didn't prepare well..*sowee teacher* Dat paper was challenging.LOL, what i did was writting and rubbing. Changed da answers fer like gazillion times before getting da real answer. huuuuhhh....thank god I didn't fail.Nithiya and kati got 32/36.wuuwuu, when it comes to science, they are really genius. Pasu wasn't here, his gramps had passed away, felt sowee for him,hmm..

Recess was recess.nothing much and I got nasi lemak for meal.Saw yoga sitting on da teacher's table with da mermaid's pose. haha... funny. her backside was facing da main door and her elbow rested on da table. She was talking with shantiea went i stepped into class. And so I drew a potrait oh hers on da blackboard ,silently, without her knowledge. Done it within a minute and I said
"Ta-daa, yoga,look at your potrait.."*evil grins*
Well, yoga then held my hands and tickled me...lala..and I struggled with her.gaha..till teacher came in..shantiea laughed like hell.Too bad, I didn't bring my camera to snap it before she rubbed it off.

Resumed was boring throughout da whole class. We did questions fer grammar.
Chinese.----> as usual.
Geografi----> my mood swing started..haiz...I dun feel like typing out. erm, well,perhaps on da next post for those reasons that I got mood swings.=(

After class, went to kamar syura. Since everyone was busy with their tasks,I cancelled da meeting for stage design. Saw farhan and Jia xuan and talked with 'em. Filthy rich farhan was considering to get another hp just for his collection lol...Mr boy came later and typed something in my hp and lemme see...I just smiled at him. yeahs...cuz im like too fed up of his words..

Waited fer papa and went back after fetching granny from aunt joon;s house. Never seen sis Jia tze..wuwu,miss her so much. On da car, I deliberately texted mr boy. I think it is da time to tell him. I cant bear it anymore with this situation. And I can hardly type out a text that im satisfied with. sigh...sent it after 20 minutes of words arranging.I hope he understands...

Home. Slept on da bed after eating and bathing. Im lazy today....
gushhh....Im, And im tired physically and mentally..headache.

Gotta o fer yoga class with mama. Hope il get better after it.=)

ciao then.
have a nice day peeps.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I love you but you keep hurting me.

Blame myself for that.

Sleep and smile is the best medicine of all...

Today skul started with science. Well, did some stuffs on chapter 6 before we carried on to our notes which teacher allowed us to pass up da next day,that is..TOMMORROW..yays.I got pretty boring and started to talk crap with aina and amy.nothing much happened here.And PJ was...PJ. I detest that teacher so much, i dont know why. Maybe it was because of her attitude that wanted to know about everything. Our class was like having a protest towards her by eating lollipops today. It actually started by adib,who brought a bunch of lollis and she gave some of them to her gang.Then I got one from her,hehe,and started sucking it....yums~so it was like half of da class was eating lollis.Then, she saw us with that and asked us to stop we, somehow tha teacher got kinda fed up and let us be..haha..syok syok..

It rained since morning and all thos rainwater splashed here and there,and i was unusually excited cuz i got to PLAY WITH RAIN WATER..LOL.recess on da way to co-op, saw Farhan and Sarvin sharing 1 umbrella there..after getting my foodstuff, I followed them with their umbrella...haha, 3 of us was stucking pek chek-ly under da lil umbrella. Sarvin then run to da corridors with roofs..left me and Farhan walking in da rain.Gawd,it was..err..*speechless*..once we reached da corridor, we both smile awkwardly at each other.I quickly thanked him and flew to my class..

Maths----> questions and questions. Nithiya was so funny.He din know that da timetable had been changed and he went fer English in kamar syura..and waited there till our maths ended. well, he is soooo...not observant..wakakaka..i was in convulsion cuz he is really..enthusiastic for english.As for english, did literature. that all.Squabbled with Kam lee fer some stuffs lol..He is disgusting in a really funny way

History and moral was as usual,boring.Chatted with sis melissa,my cousin.=)..laughed alot there..wakaka...ayte cheh cheh ayte..?hehe

Then, debate discussion. We did some contention there and called it a day.
That's my day, boring wan...wuuwuu.
Till next update then,ciao~

How sweet..=)

It's confirmed that both of them are an item now!!wee just so happy fer him..=)
Look, i know he deserves a better gal than me...=D
I know I know.
And both of them are just soooo shu-wittt...
bless them...^^

Monday, May 25, 2009

i'm just too free...during da busiest moment.

Blog walked on marcus' blog just now,saw this questions that he had taken from his fwens' blog..and I found it interesting..haha.gotta give it a try..teehee

1) List 20 things that you want to say people, but never will
2) Don’t say who they are

3) Never discuss it again

1. You think you are so gorgeous ..?lol,it's just a mere imagination of yours..

2. stop being smarty pants that misuse your dumb brain.

3. weyhh, look at yourself first lah before directing me to do things...kepo chi..

4. you,yes you!!!%$@&%$@&#$*&^$(..get lost from my sight.

5. Y should i say sowee to you when you are da one commiting mistakes..?

6. Tell more i will give you a bitch slap..x]

7. Where are your sweet promises?liar.

8. stop sulking your face and act innocent.You look like a people with a donkey's head.

9. I can give you compliments when you want but mind you it isn't sincere.still want it..?pathetic.

10.U look like someone who's got a stroke when you act cool in front of gals.

11. tell la what you are unsatisfied in front of me, not BEHIND me, coward idiot!

12. it seems so retarded when you ask me to pay attention to your crush and tell you her/his

13. lol...stop asking me foolish question to entertain euu..

14. Did you just eaten buah petai and forgot to guggle?

15. ei, I do recommend you to use Rexona..yr smell is making me...exasperating

16. pulun, dont over act larr...people wont look at you.

17.Love me or leave me.

18. dude, carry your lame job and do it by yourself, dun rely on me cuz it isnt my responsibility to do yours.

19. Behave properly lar weyhh..u look like an insane people trying to get attention from others you think that they really like you.lemme tell you, they are just being sympathy to euu..

20. copycats,look here..F***...xD bad..
well, it is just a way to express those feelings that has been hidden deep down inside me. still me..=D

Night peeps..
sugar dreams..muackies.

Ais Kacang is YUMMY~

Today I got better.=)
It wasn't like yesterday which was kinda suffering.Marcus did came to skul too, though he is still sick like me.Pity marcus..

Skul--->English,PJ , History, Malay, Maths, Chinese

English time i was sneezing every few seconds.It made my eyes watery,owh owh..hate it.Everyone in class was quiet today during English. Kati ,well, kati was still sitting at da place behind our row,just to see Xin yi, whom he had a crush on,erm..since a month or 2 months ago i supposed..LOL.We did da literature--Dr jekyll and Mr hyde for da last chapter. Last chapter was the best as it summed up everything and da story there was kinda juicy..hehe.And my teacher looked gorgeous in her pale pink Baju kurung with black tudung differently clipped today.=)

Then PJ teacher wasn't here.So i just grabbed some time to rest fer a while to prepare for history which was here not long later. sigh, i couldnt concentrate during history cuz my flu worsen..As usual,,teacher explained attentively,and the best i could only do was jotting down every bits of notes..wuuwuu.Gotta do some revisions on that..watodo.;(

Recess went to wenxian's class with chin wei and amy to discuss bout da activity this Saturday..chin wei wanted to talk to wenxian,woohoo,they nearly got into a big argument-turn fight today.Fortunately both of them cooled down at last..huhu,it was indeed a close shave..hahas.Stayed there for like half an hour before seeing Cikgu Miskiyah and ran back to class..

We learnt literature fer BM oso. Well,just did some exercises for that. I didn't dwell much on that.err....yahs ,chatted with xin yi too...she interrogated bout mr boy, and i asked her bout her ex ..haha,well, nice conversation we had.She was really lucky to have X as her bf before.(Mind you guys that X is da hottest guy in my form..wee.)Envy envy...but i still gah,just me.haha.

Maths. Did a small test. Kam lee and me was da only 2 to finish all in time. Got little praises from teacher and Kam lee was grinning towards me in his 'kam lee's' rolled my eyes.My nose was still da same,running like water, hella, xinyi looked at my face and pointed at my nose in horror and said

" Blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

oh my god...god god.I quickly tested with a piece of tissue.Exactly there was a blood stain.I cant help but just rushed to da front of da class and asked permission to ga to da washroom to stop my bleed and to prevent it from staining my uniform. oh,everyone was looking at me when i told teacher bout this...embarassing..sigh.

Chinese sucked. My lao shi was showing big tantrums, i mean really big tantrums over small matters.She shouted at K and C for whispering while she was teaching, which was really a rare scene fer us too see in high skul. Everyone was like...errr...wth.Boring homework and classical sentences to translate to modern essays to do.=.=

Later stayed back fer meeting and stage designing. Had lunch with sin yan, chin wei and amy in da new restaurant opposite skul. Saw mr boy who was heading home. He asked me some questions. I asked him to come with us,too bad, he gotta go.I still enjoy to spend da time with my gal fwens.x]..Had rice and ice kacang. What im gonna tell here is the ice kacang was really superb.Da cold sensation really triggered down your spine when you put it in your mouth even it is just a small scoop, and da sweetnes still lingered around your throat even after you swallowed it.yum yum...muackx..i imagined and imagined bout something something.....xD xD..oh,im just being a paranoid.gonna have it again next time.

Meeting was usual--->serious,boring.
Then we did our design,hehe,it was pretty good though.=) kudos to daphne ,jia xuan,yin fang and guys really really RAWKS!!

Then headed home with Wallace. his fingers are really long..and it was well showing off to me just know. Gah, I know mine are short.Bathed, eaten,and relaxed on ma bed fer a moment before text messaging godbro. Talked to him. A caring person he is =D..thanks kor..

Yay,my folio..finished 80% of them...20% percent left...should be no problem..hehe.x]

That was just another day.=)

P/S : godbro, good luck for tomolo's add maths..jiayu gambateh!tee hee..=]

Sunday, May 24, 2009


>My body condition:
- wuuhuu,no more fever..
- serious flew-wuu..
- headache..
- nausea-tic..
and I felt drowsy, maybe due to da medicine,gah~
I still went to skul today despite my stupid running nose,and my nose and eyes was kinda pinkish,and it left an impression to ppl that i was

Chin Wei and Amy gave me a big big big smiley when they first saw me once I stepped into da unusually quiet class..(alot of ppl are absent to day mah~x])..hoho, i returned them with tight squeezes ..hehe.Poor Amy was still sick,her voice was still a lil bit hoarse, somehow it got better.=)Aina and dinie welcomed me to skul with a greet,and that brightened my day..=D.At least im welcomed to skul...gahaha...well, i am,always.

Then, took out cecelia ahern from ma bag when I heard cikgu Rahim's screaming, plus teacher Abby's nagging right down there,and gestured my besties to go down fer da assembly.haish, this cikgu Rahim, its teacher day la weyhh, cant u just dont spoil your own mood and our mood early in da morning? Well, i mean, just chill and relax..relax,relax.Look at cikgu Zaini, slumber je~and we walk deliberately down da staircase with pei shan, be jinn and chze ing. Chuu xin wasn't here as she wanted to spend her time with here sis at home.=)

Went down grimacing,and we walked straight away to da field.There were young lil f1 juniors scurrying to da field, scared of cikge rahim i guess..innocent little kids,lala..saw elin, and passed da book to her,i hope she likes it,hehe, cuz cecelia ahern's novel is really superb and awesome.Aww, I felt like crying when I thought about Holly and Jack from PS,I love you.Talked with avi fer a brief moment bout da book that I have borrowed from da library..haha, she wanted to bash me up cuz i have taken 'bleed'..haha,avi,first come,first got,ayte ayte..?I promise i will give it to you by this week kay..?;]

So da whole assembly was occupied by speeches speeches and ssppeeeecchheess..grrwwwz~But we didn't care.Busying gossiping at da back,haha, with pei shan and da gang. Huhu, like soo long since I last gossiped about people~tee hee. At one point, i felt like fainting and lied down on Amy's laps, its was comfertable..hee heez..muackies amy.And we talked and talked non stop till da assembly ends.

Stepped into class and saw Fiera, lala,he was missing his crush, and asked me where she went..=)I dont have any idea bout that.And i sat with my fwens. I turned them down when they asked me to play UNO cards, i was right away too dizzy.Sat down fer awhile before finding ma stage designing group. Ya,stage designing fer da Chinese society activity.there is a god-damned meeting oso tml..I gotta finish 'em up with my gang by this friday. Well, just do it.Don't care.Went with my gang and did discussions and experiments on da paper and da stage. It didn't turn out that well tho, so we altered our design.

hee heez~teachers invited us for a treat in meeting room just now, fun..=) there are lotsa things to eat. And I walked here and there, hoping to get some food that im familiar..haha. While taking some nasi lemak, saw mr boy..=). ya, he saw me too and he usual, LOL,he pinched me on my cheek.I just blinked at him.haha, din know how to response. The other malay gals that i din recognize my meal with him. He had taken soooo much food,like 3 to 4 plates i think, and he couldnt finish it,haahaa..served him right. He got me my drinks and other food and biscuits..=). left my handphone with him fer a while...

My condition worsen when it came to noon..ugh,somehow, i just carried on with my work fer da design while teachers were singing in da hall. Look at them fer a while before chao-ing to my class fer da work..heehee.We made up our mind to do da alternative design and called it a day when papa called up. Never saw mr boy after that, guess he had vanished to somewhere else..

Went back and dozed off..zzzz.Then I woke up 30 minutes later and bathed. cold water was sooo nice when it splashed on my head...And I did my folio which was soooooo-nawt-interesting and it was LAME. omg omg, gotta settle them before wednesday.

Gotta go..=)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Bless me..T_T

Damnit, i gotta finish 9 debate scripts,yes, it's 9, NOT 1!!

NOT FAIR~~grrwwzz..

Salute to euu..x]

Gratz to Kris Allen for winning da American Idol...=)
I will be waiting fer yr next masterpiece...teehee...=)
well, Kris and Adam had put on a very good show yesterday..
owwhh..i am anticipating...gahaa..x]


What I feel now..

  • Pissed off with papa..=(
  • tired.(of everything)
  • sick--->headache, running nose,coughing,dizziness..
  • messy,hurm,maybe due to little tiny problems that occur around me.
  • no apetite.
  • yucky..with my sickness..buwek~
  • a lil bit grateful--> cuz chin wei is there for me.=)
  • fed up -->have to do 9 scripts for debate..i will be dead.
  • pouring out everything that i feel towards that stupid fela that i hate da most--->I dont want to see YOU!

What I wana do now..
  • Sleep.
  • Eat doughnuts..yummy~
  • text message non
  • accompany noel godbro(he is in grief now)
  • talk on da phone with amy and chin wei.
  • cover myself in da blanket
  • disconnect myself from da do nothing except daydreaming..
  • doodle...=)
  • forget him,yes forget him.=]
  • curse on anything that annoys me..hee heez~

That's all for now..
I'm problematic..=.=


Damn,weyhh..i fell sick...
Zhi wei,at last I fell sick..
My nose is running like tap..
I'm feverish..
Lol, Im joining chuey fen's and suki's team..wuuwuu..


I wanna get well,soon..I mean,immediately...IMMEDIATELY.

I dont want to miss my music class..wuuwuu..

gonna swallow panadol pills now..T_T

Aww..come on~

This freaking wire is bothering me by creating problems with me and my hp..
grrwwz..go away.gah~=(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I got my certificate today..=)
for HAC second day...hehe..

See papa and mama,
I still can score good results with my own studying way..=)
So dunnit to worry anymore kays..?
I have proven to both of you ayte..?
though im playful, but I wont neglect my studies somehow..=)

gaha..i looked childish in this, taken randomly after i came down from da stage..=)
Papa and me..haha..his signature smile..
I hope that he is proud of me...teehee..x]

Today everyone was tired, so we didn't play much,just exchanged pics of each other for fun..=D..Yes,we play abit,just a lil bit..xP
And there is this little cat's story, updating later eh../=)


sorry,yesterday was too busy to talk about what had happened on da 1st day of the HAC,
was preparing da camp for my sis, Eva,you know, kids' stuff~lolx.

Well, back to da motorbike thingy..
After Zhi wei posed on it,he didn't feel like coming down and continued to play with da motorbike..omg omg, seemed he had a special liking to that motorbike..gahaha~hillarious things happened there..and suddenly Zhi wei showed some disgusting + funny expression, well, i think its more to funny..hahaha~

This is still okay~~with his cheeky look..then it became worse.

gahaha..he became this---
Jia yi and me was laughing like hell.. that moment, marcus came and joined sekaki..
we gals still never stopped from laughing..

and he snatched da helmet from Zhi wei, and show
Later,he pulled out his hp and started to take pics of himself..
I was like in lethargy due to excessive laughter..

Marcus marcus, i cant tahan euu'~~xD
zomg face was like tomato at that time..=)
And before all that happened,
Ah joe and marcus posed in front of my hp..wahaha..

So,this is da most powerful gay couple of da century~=.=
well,they look like an item, dont they?

And we started to go crazy in front of Kamar syura while waiting for da Sultan and his family to arrive there for lunch.I was taking pics of myself and ma fwens, randomly,and we seriously had fun
.And there were lots of little funny things that happened and i cant count with my own fingers=)

Then we sang for the
Teacher Edna said that we had put on a good show for da guest..huhu,good thing~
Then later after that we went for makan makan in da meeting room.
Gosh we were too full la weyhh~
Talked with Suki and Zhi wei and Jananee for a while while q-ing up for rice..
lol,Zhi wei pinched my cheek and said

"Later your dad come and scold me for pinching his daughter"

oh,watevs watevs..hehe...
After that,go home...
but I stayed in skul cuz papa needed to finish his work,so spent some time wif Marcus and Zhi Wei and Ah Joe for a while..=)

Saw Mr boy..x]
He was blabbering to his fwens that i dont know..
He grabbed my hp and took a pic with dude..x]
and he deleted it, saying he wasn't handsome..lawl..
thank god still left 1 pic..teehee...=)

On9 at home and chatted with big godbro fer awhile b4 having dinner..
And I straight away went to dreamland after dinner..=)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today perhaps was probably one of the most important events going on in skul..
HAC---> or we call it as Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.
It lasts fer 2 days, and today is da first day.
Lala,da sultan of Kedah came to my skul today... we students care~x]

So clad in da kampung batik outfit and white longsleeves shirt since early in da morning, I was laughed by my fwens..haha,especially chin wei--->

" Waa...da kampung gal came liao!!!"=.=

haha..who asks her to be my bestie...?ayte chin wei ayte?
too bad, she ponteng-ed today
miss herww~

Had fun lerww today..kkz~
during the warming-up session for choir, we played alot,and it continued till da
Zhi wei saw da police's motorbike and started to play with it..
and posed with it in front of our camera..
made us laugh like dono wad~~hahas..

Zhi wei playing with da motor..

will be updating later...cya~

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peeople around me....

I have been neglecting my blog..haiz, due to too much activities that I have joined in skul,
im the one who find these problems, lol..
Here are the peeps the revolves around my world..=)
That they are all always by my side, and accompanying me...

Chin Wei and Amy=)

Both of them are my besties.=]
Amy and I are in the same class since standard 1 till now..form 3.
woohoo, 9 years..=D
and though we have gone through lotsa challenges of fwenship, we still manage to keep our bonds close, erm, to that extend of inseperatable,perhaps.

Chin wei, chin wei,i came to know her when i was in form 1,haha, classmates till now,
And we developed our fwenship since then, and thank god ,haha, we eventually became besties,,xD..
we have to change class next year, and..
im sure i will cry this year end..gaha~

And so I love them both, much, infinity..!
They are da ones who stay by my side at any moment, to give me support.
And even when he hurts me, they still suppported me even though they objected us being together.

Besties rocks..=)

Mr boyfie 3>
I am still together with him.
And yeah, I love love love love love u soooooo much~
can you please get your roles correct..?
u neglect me..hmm..most of the time
and im totally baffled up with ya u noe..?
but yeah, i still love him.

Mr godbro~s

Awww, he can be the best god bro in da world..xD
shhhshh, dont tell him that i have praised him,later he will daydream again..=)
16 this year..
and a guy who is playful..=]
but then i like his way, his typical Noel' s style..
C.A.S.H..that what he calls himself..xD

Zhi Jian.

my eldest godbro..
fine, he always buwee me..wuuwuu.
currently pursuing his degree in NZ.
I miss him so muchh~
hope to see him soon.

My second home..(3A1 class)=D
We stayed in the same class for 3 years, and this is da last year..
But then, i do cherish them alot..^^
So this is our gang--->

Thivian(Pasu), Dharishaan(He calls me ponytail just because of ma hair..grrrwwzz), Nithiya(Mat pulun..haha), Kati(he has a crush!!),Yamuna(monitor..lolz), Daneish,Firdaus(anti coupling dude..), Azhar Fiera(emo ppl,like me..),Colin(typical chinaman,hehe),Sheldon(lawl..),Kam Lee(Mr rich guy), Neeva, Khirtini(super kind lad), Yoga, Shantiea(She calls me her wife~~bla bla), Adib(simply like to manja..=)), Aina( gal), Atiqah, Nik(pwetty gal..),Xin Yi, Chin Wei, amy, hidayah(someone's), Syamimi, nabilah, farah(korean gang.), amalina, Shiha,and Hamizah(latest member of 3a1)

Though we quarrel sometimes, we are still a family..ayte..?=]

My fwens..=)
I have met a lot of fwens throughout my lifespan of 14 years and 9
some of them are still around me..
and some of them are in somewhere in this world, and we didnt manage to get in contact..haiz.
and also my current fwens..teehee..

So these are da peeps around me..
and they 'pei' me thru da ups and down of ma life..

And my life is totally COLOURFULLL...=)
