Damnit, i gotta finish 9 debate scripts,yes, it's 9, NOT 1!!
NOT FAIR~~grrwwzz..
Thursday, May 21, 2009
God Bless me..T_T
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Salute to euu..x]
Gratz to Kris Allen for winning da American Idol...=)
I will be waiting fer yr next masterpiece...teehee...=)
well, Kris and Adam had put on a very good show yesterday..
owwhh..i am anticipating...gahaa..x]
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 6:13 PM 0 comments
What I feel now..
- Pissed off with papa..=(
- tired.(of everything)
- sick--->headache, running nose,coughing,dizziness..
- messy,hurm,maybe due to little tiny problems that occur around me.
- no apetite.
- yucky..with my sickness..buwek~
- a lil bit grateful--> cuz chin wei is there for me.=)
- fed up -->have to do 9 scripts for debate..i will be dead.
- pouring out everything that i feel towards that stupid fela that i hate da most--->I dont want to see YOU!
What I wana do now..
- Sleep.
- Eat doughnuts..yummy~
- text message non stop...lol
- accompany noel godbro(he is in grief now)
- talk on da phone with amy and chin wei.
- cover myself in da blanket
- disconnect myself from da world..lol..and do nothing except daydreaming..
- doodle...=)
- forget him,yes forget him.=]
- curse on anything that annoys me..hee heez~
That's all for now..
I'm problematic..=.=
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Damn,weyhh..i fell sick...
Zhi wei,at last I fell sick..
My nose is running like tap..
I'm feverish..
Lol, Im joining chuey fen's and suki's team..wuuwuu..
I wanna get well,soon..I mean,immediately...IMMEDIATELY.
I dont want to miss my music class..wuuwuu..
gonna swallow panadol pills now..T_T
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Aww..come on~
This freaking wire is bothering me by creating problems with me and my hp..
grrwwz..go away.gah~=(
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I got my certificate today..=)
for HAC second day...hehe..
See papa and mama,
I still can score good results with my own studying way..=)
So dunnit to worry anymore kays..?
I have proven to both of you ayte..?
though im playful, but I wont neglect my studies somehow..=)gaha..i looked childish in this pic..lol, taken randomly after i came down from da stage..=)
Papa and me..haha..his signature smile..
I hope that he is proud of me...teehee..x]
Today everyone was tired, so we didn't play much,just exchanged pics of each other for fun..=D..Yes,we play abit,just a lil bit..xP
And there is this little cat's story, updating later eh../=)
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 3:26 AM 0 comments
sorry,yesterday was too busy to talk about what had happened on da 1st day of the HAC,
was preparing da camp for my sis, Eva,you know, kids' stuff~lolx.
Well, back to da motorbike thingy..
After Zhi wei posed on it,he didn't feel like coming down and continued to play with da motorbike..omg omg, seemed he had a special liking to that motorbike..gahaha~hillarious things happened there..and suddenly Zhi wei showed some disgusting + funny expression, well, i think its more to funny..hahaha~This is still okay~~with his cheeky look..then it became worse.
gahaha..he became this---
Jia yi and me was laughing like hell..
weeew..at that moment, marcus came and joined sekaki..
we gals still never stopped from laughing..and he snatched da helmet from Zhi wei, and show this..lol..muahahaha..
Later,he pulled out his hp and started to take pics of himself..
I was like in lethargy due to excessive laughter..Marcus marcus, i cant tahan euu'~~xD
zomg zomg..my face was like tomato at that time..=)
And before all that happened,
Ah joe and marcus posed in front of my hp..wahaha..So,this is da most powerful gay couple of da century~=.=
well,they look like an item, dont they?
And we started to go crazy in front of Kamar syura while waiting for da Sultan and his family to arrive there for lunch.I was taking pics of myself and ma fwens, randomly,and we seriously had fun.And there were lots of little funny things that happened and i cant count with my own fingers=)
Then we sang for the sultan..lol..
Teacher Edna said that we had put on a good show for da guest..huhu,good thing~
Then later after that we went for makan makan in da meeting room.
Gosh we were too full la weyhh~
Talked with Suki and Zhi wei and Jananee for a while while q-ing up for rice..
lol,Zhi wei pinched my cheek and said
"Later your dad come and scold me for pinching his daughter"
oh,watevs watevs..hehe...
After that,go home...
but I stayed in skul cuz papa needed to finish his work,so spent some time wif Marcus and Zhi Wei and Ah Joe for a while..=)
Saw Mr boy..x]
He was blabbering to his fwens that i dont know..
He grabbed my hp and took a pic with me..lol..weird dude..x]
and he deleted it, saying he wasn't handsome..lawl..
thank god still left 1 pic..teehee...=)
On9 at home and chatted with big godbro fer awhile b4 having dinner..
And I straight away went to dreamland after dinner..=)
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Today perhaps was probably one of the most important events going on in skul..
HAC---> or we call it as Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.
It lasts fer 2 days, and today is da first day.
Lala,da sultan of Kedah came to my skul today...
haha..like we students care~x]
So clad in da kampung batik outfit and white longsleeves shirt since early in da morning, I was laughed by my fwens..haha,especially chin wei--->
" Waa...da kampung gal came liao!!!"=.=
haha..who asks her to be my bestie...?ayte chin wei ayte?
too bad, she ponteng-ed today
miss herww~
Had fun lerww today..kkz~
during the warming-up session for choir, we played alot,and it continued till da afternoon..lol..
Zhi wei saw da police's motorbike and started to play with it..
and posed with it in front of our camera..
made us laugh like dono wad~~hahas..
Zhi wei playing with da motor..
will be updating later...cya~
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Peeople around me....
I have been neglecting my blog..haiz, due to too much activities that I have joined in skul,
im the one who find these problems, lol..
Here are the peeps the revolves around my world..=)
That they are all always by my side, and accompanying me...
Chin Wei and Amy=)
Both of them are my besties.=]
Amy and I are in the same class since standard 1 till now..form 3.
woohoo, 9 years..=D
and though we have gone through lotsa challenges of fwenship, we still manage to keep our bonds close, erm, to that extend of inseperatable,perhaps.
Chin wei, chin wei,i came to know her when i was in form 1,haha, classmates till now,
And we developed our fwenship since then, and thank god ,haha, we eventually became besties,,xD..
we have to change class next year, and..
im sure i will cry this year end..gaha~
And so I love them both, muakakkaa..so much, infinity..!
They are da ones who stay by my side at any moment, to give me support.
And even when he hurts me, they still suppported me even though they objected us being together.
Besties rocks..=)
Mr boyfie 3>
I am still together with him.
And yeah, I love love love love love u soooooo much~
can you please get your roles correct..?
u neglect me..hmm..most of the time
and im totally baffled up with ya u noe..?
but yeah, i still love him.
Mr godbro~s
Awww, he can be the best god bro in da world..xD
shhhshh, dont tell him that i have praised him,later he will daydream again..=)
16 this year..
and a guy who is playful..=]
but then i like his way, his typical Noel' s style..
C.A.S.H..that what he calls himself..xD
Zhi Jian.
my eldest godbro..
fine, he always buwee me..wuuwuu.
currently pursuing his degree in NZ.
I miss him so muchh~
hope to see him soon.
My second home..(3A1 class)=D
We stayed in the same class for 3 years, and this is da last year..
But then, i do cherish them alot..^^
So this is our gang--->
Thivian(Pasu), Dharishaan(He calls me ponytail just because of ma hair..grrrwwzz), Nithiya(Mat pulun..haha), Kati(he has a crush!!),Yamuna(monitor..lolz), Daneish,Firdaus(anti coupling dude..), Azhar Fiera(emo ppl,like me..),Colin(typical chinaman,hehe),Sheldon(lawl..),Kam Lee(Mr rich guy), Neeva, Khirtini(super kind lad), Yoga, Shantiea(She calls me her wife~~bla bla), Adib(simply like to manja..=)), Aina(lala..cool gal), Atiqah, Nik(pwetty gal..),Xin Yi, Chin Wei, amy, hidayah(someone's), Syamimi, nabilah, farah(korean gang.), amalina, Shiha,and Hamizah(latest member of 3a1)
Though we quarrel sometimes, we are still a family..ayte..?=]
My fwens..=)
I have met a lot of fwens throughout my lifespan of 14 years and 9 months..lol
some of them are still around me..
and some of them are in somewhere in this world, and we didnt manage to get in contact..haiz.
and also my current fwens..teehee..
So these are da peeps around me..
and they 'pei' me thru da ups and down of ma life..
And my life is totally COLOURFULLL...=)
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by vivienne creamiez at 3:09 AM 0 comments