Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tagged by elin..x]

Do you hide when Jehovah witnesses knock on your door?
=ermm..nope.Perhaps i will give them a treat at my house kot~LOL

Tell me about your dancing style?
=u will faint when you see me dance...xD

Honestly, do you laugh when people trip for no reason?
=yea...i cant close my mouth.

What is your most used cuss word?
= damn....and chicken(nicole taught me)?

Do you think it looks silly when people wear socks with sandals?
=not really,it depends on who who wears it..if it is a blabbering- saliva-splitting old granny....haaahaaa

Name the seven dwarf
=happy,bashful,grumpy, dopey..i donno...gahaa..

When you bend over, can you touch your toes?

What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to overcome?
=well...boys..?and ....inferiority complex...haha

Do you think that people mistake your kindness for a weakness?
=yea...always..LOL..thats y i got bullied frequently..

Do u know anyone who is a pathological liar?
= eww....a bunch.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get bitch slapped?
= as elin said..=)

Why do people drive slow in the fast lane?
= cuz they are being paranoid...

What is the best pick up line you've ever heard?
= i don't really rmb..

Would you rather be a porn star or a prostitute?
=it wont cross over my mind

If your body odor was a food scent, what would you want to smell like?
= vanilla ice-cream..?teehee..

readers...i tag euu..=)