Monday, May 25, 2009

Ais Kacang is YUMMY~

Today I got better.=)
It wasn't like yesterday which was kinda suffering.Marcus did came to skul too, though he is still sick like me.Pity marcus..

Skul--->English,PJ , History, Malay, Maths, Chinese

English time i was sneezing every few seconds.It made my eyes watery,owh owh..hate it.Everyone in class was quiet today during English. Kati ,well, kati was still sitting at da place behind our row,just to see Xin yi, whom he had a crush on,erm..since a month or 2 months ago i supposed..LOL.We did da literature--Dr jekyll and Mr hyde for da last chapter. Last chapter was the best as it summed up everything and da story there was kinda juicy..hehe.And my teacher looked gorgeous in her pale pink Baju kurung with black tudung differently clipped today.=)

Then PJ teacher wasn't here.So i just grabbed some time to rest fer a while to prepare for history which was here not long later. sigh, i couldnt concentrate during history cuz my flu worsen..As usual,,teacher explained attentively,and the best i could only do was jotting down every bits of notes..wuuwuu.Gotta do some revisions on that..watodo.;(

Recess went to wenxian's class with chin wei and amy to discuss bout da activity this Saturday..chin wei wanted to talk to wenxian,woohoo,they nearly got into a big argument-turn fight today.Fortunately both of them cooled down at last..huhu,it was indeed a close shave..hahas.Stayed there for like half an hour before seeing Cikgu Miskiyah and ran back to class..

We learnt literature fer BM oso. Well,just did some exercises for that. I didn't dwell much on that.err....yahs ,chatted with xin yi too...she interrogated bout mr boy, and i asked her bout her ex ..haha,well, nice conversation we had.She was really lucky to have X as her bf before.(Mind you guys that X is da hottest guy in my form..wee.)Envy envy...but i still gah,just me.haha.

Maths. Did a small test. Kam lee and me was da only 2 to finish all in time. Got little praises from teacher and Kam lee was grinning towards me in his 'kam lee's' rolled my eyes.My nose was still da same,running like water, hella, xinyi looked at my face and pointed at my nose in horror and said

" Blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

oh my god...god god.I quickly tested with a piece of tissue.Exactly there was a blood stain.I cant help but just rushed to da front of da class and asked permission to ga to da washroom to stop my bleed and to prevent it from staining my uniform. oh,everyone was looking at me when i told teacher bout this...embarassing..sigh.

Chinese sucked. My lao shi was showing big tantrums, i mean really big tantrums over small matters.She shouted at K and C for whispering while she was teaching, which was really a rare scene fer us too see in high skul. Everyone was like...errr...wth.Boring homework and classical sentences to translate to modern essays to do.=.=

Later stayed back fer meeting and stage designing. Had lunch with sin yan, chin wei and amy in da new restaurant opposite skul. Saw mr boy who was heading home. He asked me some questions. I asked him to come with us,too bad, he gotta go.I still enjoy to spend da time with my gal fwens.x]..Had rice and ice kacang. What im gonna tell here is the ice kacang was really superb.Da cold sensation really triggered down your spine when you put it in your mouth even it is just a small scoop, and da sweetnes still lingered around your throat even after you swallowed it.yum yum...muackx..i imagined and imagined bout something something.....xD xD..oh,im just being a paranoid.gonna have it again next time.

Meeting was usual--->serious,boring.
Then we did our design,hehe,it was pretty good though.=) kudos to daphne ,jia xuan,yin fang and guys really really RAWKS!!

Then headed home with Wallace. his fingers are really long..and it was well showing off to me just know. Gah, I know mine are short.Bathed, eaten,and relaxed on ma bed fer a moment before text messaging godbro. Talked to him. A caring person he is =D..thanks kor..

Yay,my folio..finished 80% of them...20% percent left...should be no problem..hehe.x]

That was just another day.=)

P/S : godbro, good luck for tomolo's add maths..jiayu gambateh!tee hee..=]