Monday, May 25, 2009

i'm just too free...during da busiest moment.

Blog walked on marcus' blog just now,saw this questions that he had taken from his fwens' blog..and I found it interesting..haha.gotta give it a try..teehee

1) List 20 things that you want to say people, but never will
2) Don’t say who they are

3) Never discuss it again

1. You think you are so gorgeous ..?lol,it's just a mere imagination of yours..

2. stop being smarty pants that misuse your dumb brain.

3. weyhh, look at yourself first lah before directing me to do things...kepo chi..

4. you,yes you!!!%$@&%$@&#$*&^$(..get lost from my sight.

5. Y should i say sowee to you when you are da one commiting mistakes..?

6. Tell more i will give you a bitch slap..x]

7. Where are your sweet promises?liar.

8. stop sulking your face and act innocent.You look like a people with a donkey's head.

9. I can give you compliments when you want but mind you it isn't sincere.still want it..?pathetic.

10.U look like someone who's got a stroke when you act cool in front of gals.

11. tell la what you are unsatisfied in front of me, not BEHIND me, coward idiot!

12. it seems so retarded when you ask me to pay attention to your crush and tell you her/his

13. lol...stop asking me foolish question to entertain euu..

14. Did you just eaten buah petai and forgot to guggle?

15. ei, I do recommend you to use Rexona..yr smell is making me...exasperating

16. pulun, dont over act larr...people wont look at you.

17.Love me or leave me.

18. dude, carry your lame job and do it by yourself, dun rely on me cuz it isnt my responsibility to do yours.

19. Behave properly lar weyhh..u look like an insane people trying to get attention from others you think that they really like you.lemme tell you, they are just being sympathy to euu..

20. copycats,look here..F***...xD bad..
well, it is just a way to express those feelings that has been hidden deep down inside me. still me..=D

Night peeps..
sugar dreams..muackies.