Thursday, May 21, 2009


What I feel now..

  • Pissed off with papa..=(
  • tired.(of everything)
  • sick--->headache, running nose,coughing,dizziness..
  • messy,hurm,maybe due to little tiny problems that occur around me.
  • no apetite.
  • yucky..with my sickness..buwek~
  • a lil bit grateful--> cuz chin wei is there for me.=)
  • fed up -->have to do 9 scripts for debate..i will be dead.
  • pouring out everything that i feel towards that stupid fela that i hate da most--->I dont want to see YOU!

What I wana do now..
  • Sleep.
  • Eat doughnuts..yummy~
  • text message non
  • accompany noel godbro(he is in grief now)
  • talk on da phone with amy and chin wei.
  • cover myself in da blanket
  • disconnect myself from da do nothing except daydreaming..
  • doodle...=)
  • forget him,yes forget him.=]
  • curse on anything that annoys me..hee heez~

That's all for now..
I'm problematic..=.=