Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today I was quiet.Stopped from crapping and talking too much cuz i was in a mood swing. But then I have hidden it.Still wore a smile to skul somehow lol.

Reached skul early..teehee.

Then started class.Science.One of my favourite subjects.=)Did some discussions for chapter 6 and so on. Had a small test there. Haha, i just hantam-ed cuz didn't prepare well..*sowee teacher* Dat paper was challenging.LOL, what i did was writting and rubbing. Changed da answers fer like gazillion times before getting da real answer. huuuuhhh....thank god I didn't fail.Nithiya and kati got 32/36.wuuwuu, when it comes to science, they are really genius. Pasu wasn't here, his gramps had passed away, felt sowee for him,hmm..

Recess was recess.nothing much and I got nasi lemak for meal.Saw yoga sitting on da teacher's table with da mermaid's pose. haha... funny. her backside was facing da main door and her elbow rested on da table. She was talking with shantiea went i stepped into class. And so I drew a potrait oh hers on da blackboard ,silently, without her knowledge. Done it within a minute and I said
"Ta-daa, yoga,look at your potrait.."*evil grins*
Well, yoga then held my hands and tickled me...lala..and I struggled with her.gaha..till teacher came in..shantiea laughed like hell.Too bad, I didn't bring my camera to snap it before she rubbed it off.

Resumed was boring throughout da whole class. We did questions fer grammar.
Chinese.----> as usual.
Geografi----> my mood swing started..haiz...I dun feel like typing out. erm, well,perhaps on da next post for those reasons that I got mood swings.=(

After class, went to kamar syura. Since everyone was busy with their tasks,I cancelled da meeting for stage design. Saw farhan and Jia xuan and talked with 'em. Filthy rich farhan was considering to get another hp just for his collection lol...Mr boy came later and typed something in my hp and lemme see...I just smiled at him. yeahs...cuz im like too fed up of his words..

Waited fer papa and went back after fetching granny from aunt joon;s house. Never seen sis Jia tze..wuwu,miss her so much. On da car, I deliberately texted mr boy. I think it is da time to tell him. I cant bear it anymore with this situation. And I can hardly type out a text that im satisfied with. sigh...sent it after 20 minutes of words arranging.I hope he understands...

Home. Slept on da bed after eating and bathing. Im lazy today....
gushhh....Im, And im tired physically and mentally..headache.

Gotta o fer yoga class with mama. Hope il get better after it.=)

ciao then.
have a nice day peeps.